Drivers Orion Cameras

The Orion StarShoot Autoguider works with PHD2 on my Windows 10 laptop without issues. After loading all drivers as per instructions, PHD2 could connect to the camera in the first attempt and has never given trouble on subsequent sessions. Hope this helps. Driver for older Orion Starshoot Deep Space Imager #9204 I've been doing some more USB sniffing to try and understand more about this camera. I wanted to just try some simple tests to connect to it but I have failed miserably.

Drivers Orion Cameras
Version française

AstroPiBox has been designed on the basis of a Linux Raspberry Pi nanocomputer which offers several advantages :

  • It only consumes a few Watts, enabling the usage of a portable power supply (5V) with several hours of autonomy in the field;
  • The Linux-based Operating System running on the platform offers a stable and reliable environment with an easy access to the full « open source » ecosystem that has emerged around the Raspberry Pi during the past few years;
  • It is a low cost hardware platform which allows La Clef des Etoiles to propose products at a reasonable price to the amateur astronomers.

Drivers Orion Cameras Review

The AstroPiBox user interface has been designed to simplify as much as possible :

Drivers Orion Cameras Wireless

  • launching the different applications installed on the platform;
  • accessing the integrated functions.